Was thinking back to the 90's today and remembering how gawd awful some of the outfits and hair styles people wore back then. I mean seriously, think about it, there were people who literally dressed like fucking clowns and passed it off as being "fashionable". One of the prime examples of this monstrosity was the show In Living Color. Now I loved that show, but today an old episode came on television and the Wayen's brother that was the host came out wearing something that looked like a pair of bad curtains sewn together then tossed into a recurring nightmare involving rape victims and the Special Olympics. Thank goodness the 90's are over.
*Disclaimer* I in no way condone rape or the Special Olympics.
So I got in some new pages today for the ZFW: Zombies of Foreign Wars series. Figured it might be a pretty cool idea to give those of you who follow this blog a little sneak preview. I'll probably throw up a page a week to keep you all interested. So far the writing is coming along and I should be finished with the last 15 or so pages of the trade issue in a week or so. Hopskotch is working on the cover for the trade issue as I type this. I am going to say one thing, the cover will be fucking amazing. Maybe I'll throw it up on here when finished to give the fans a little treat. So anyway, enjoy the art.
The early 90s were an especially hard time for fashion. Neon puffy paint, parachute pants, stripy shirts paired with complex patterned ties, brightly colored check patterned suit coats, neon puff paint, bedazzled clothing, jean jackets that fit like tents, heat sensitive color changing t-shirts, those weird shapeless floppy psuedo baseball caps, it goes on and on...