Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Character kill off, and C.O.C.K.

For some reason I have been having a real bitch of a time killing of one of the characters in the ZFW series. I don't know where the emotional attachment may stemming from, but there has to be some kind of deep seeded connection to the way this character is written. Any other writers out there experience this?

Now onto the C.O.C.K.S. For those who have been living under a technology rock the last few weeks probably missed Steve Niles tweeting and blogging about how we need to come together in the creator owned comic community to help support each other. I could not agree more. As someone who is an indie comic creator as well as the publishing director for a small press comic company who's very core foundation is about supporting creators and their projects, I personally applaud Niles. Hell, if he was in town I would by him a shot and a hooker for finally getting it out there on a larger scale that ALL of us who are in the indie scene need to help each other out by cross promotion, blogging, and generally spreading the information out there for others to see. If you don't like a specific indie comic, that should not stop you from recommending it to others. People have a wide range of tastes and preferences, just because you might not like one book does not mean the other person will feel the same. That is after all what C.O.C.K.S. (Creator Owned Comics Knowledge Spreaders) is all about.

Ok, time to go talk to Bill Bixby about buying a horse.

1 comment:

  1. I get the trouble with killing off a character. It's tough, and must be done with a great deal of thought. If the death is pointless you risk alienating fans for no good reason and you generally cut off the use of that character for future works (that aren't prequels etc). So...do it, but carefully.

    As for the emotional attachment? Well, I think most writers whether we like to admit it or not include large squishy chunks of ourselves in our characters, we like 'em, heck love 'em sometimes. Deal with it ;)
