I kill people all the time. Yes it is always in the form of writing, but none the less I still have to think of different ways to dispatch the unfortunate victims that fall prey to the evil forces in my stories. What some people don't understand though is how hard it is to come up with a way to kill Johnny the dishwasher, or Samantha the high school virgin, or even how to kill off the the evil that is doing all the killing in the first place. Frankly, it's a big fucking pain in my ass, but god damn if i don't love it. I guess you could say it is like heroin to an addict, it hurts and life really sucks trying to find that next fix, but once you get it and you are flying everything is hunky dory.
I think right now my favorite way to kill people is to take something they have no fear of and turn it against them. This way if I choose to let them live somehow, they will no doubt have serious mental and emotional scars that will totally fuck them up; therefore creating a whole new character to play with in future stories, should the series continue. Oh, and blood! There has to be so much fucking blood and guts that Tom Savini himself would get a boner over it. So there you have it people; blood, guts, and uniqueness is the magic kool-aid formula to creative killing right? WRONG! You can have all the cool killing you want but if your story is a pile of crap, and has less substance than that crappy reality show Jersey Shore, then you might as well spin the chamber again and take another pull on the trigger.
Spend time getting to know your killer/evil character. Really delve into who they are, what makes them tick, why they do what they do, and what was the cause of it. Appreciate the lack of humanity he possesses. Also, make sure you don't follow the same recycled shit that has been done in movies over and over since the 1980's. If you are going to kill high school students, don't make the story completely about them, it's been done. Stay away from camp counselors unless they are a quick kill lead in ( more on those in later blogs). And for god sakes if you write about a babysitter slasher I will personally burn your house down.
So go forth fellow writers of horror, go forth and paint your fictional world red with the blood of the somewhat innocent :).